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Unlocking the Power of Reheat Coil: From Basics to Troubleshooting

Welcome to an illuminating exploration of reheat coils in HVAC systems. This comprehensive guide navigates you through its core purpose, diverse types, practical applications, optimal selection, installation steps, efficient operation, maintenance best practices, and troubleshooting solutions.

This guide offers a deep understanding of reheat coils, empowering HVAC professionals and enthusiasts alike to master this essential component for precise climate control. Let's learn more about the reheat coil and its role in achieving comfort and efficiency.


Understanding Reheat Coil

A reheat coil is a device used in HVAC systems to reheat air that has already been cooled. This becomes crucial in multi-zone buildings where different areas may require varied temperature conditions. The reheat coil helps maintain optimal temperature balance across these different zones, enhancing both comfort and energy efficiency.

The operation of a reheat coil is anchored on temperature sensors and a centralized control system. These temperature sensors are strategically located in various zones of a building, and they continuously monitor the environmental conditions. When these sensors detect that a particular zone needs the air temperature adjusted, they relay this information to a central control unit. This control unit then activates the reheat coil, which receives warm water or steam from a central boiler or a similar heat source. As air flows over the reheat coil, it picks up heat, effectively increasing its temperature before being directed back into the zone requiring additional warmth. Although it may initially seem inefficient to cool air and then reheat it, this process allows for precise temperature control and can lead to more efficient energy usage in certain situations.

Diverse Varieties of Reheat Coil

After understanding the basics and key functions of reheat coils, it's time to explore the various options at our disposal. The choice of a reheat coil should align with your individual requirements, much like selecting any other essential equipment. Different types offer their own advantages and drawbacks. Now, let's proceed to dissect these categories in more detail.


Hydronic Reheat Coil: The Water-Boosted Powerhouses for Controlled Environments

Hydronic reheat coil uses water to transfer heat, offering an effective way to maintain consistent temperatures in your grow rooms. The water circulates through tubes, providing an even distribution of heat. This type of coil is especially beneficial in cannabis cultivation, where stable temperature and humidity levels are essential for plant health.

Electric Reheat Coil: Efficient and Eco-friendly Choices for Growers

When quick response and low environmental impact are your top concerns, electric reheat coil is your go-to option. They heat up rapidly, providing swift adjustments to temperature changes—critical for the nuanced needs of cannabis plants. Moreover, their easy installation and low maintenance make them a favorite among cultivators who need a straightforward yet green solution.

Steam Reheat Coil: Embracing Classic Steam Power in Cannabis Cultivation

Don't let the vintage aura of steam reheat coil fool you. They offer a reliable and stable heating solution, perfect for cannabis cultivators who are concerned with sudden temperature fluctuations. By using steam to heat the air, these coils provide a level of steadiness that's invaluable in environments housing sensitive cannabis strains.

Gas Reheat Coil: Harnessing Natural Energy in Indoor Grow Operations

Gas reheat coil offers a robust heating solution using natural gas, which makes them potent options for large-scale grow operations. While they require proper ventilation and safety protocols, their heating capabilities make them worthy candidates for cultivators in search of powerful and natural solutions.

Be it the steady power of hydronic coils, the efficiency of electric options, the classic reliability of steam, or the natural potency of gas-based coils, reheat coils offer a diversified range of solutions tailored to the specific needs of cannabis cultivators.

Mastering the Multifaceted Uses of Reheat Coils in HVAC for Cannabis Cultivation

Delving deeper into the varieties of reheat coils, these devices stand out as pivotal players in the nuanced world of HVAC for cannabis cultivation. Let's explore their multifaceted applications, each tailored to achieve specific climate-control objectives that foster cannabis growth.



In cannabis cultivation, precise humidity control isn't a mere luxury—it's a necessity. Excess humidity can pave the way for mold, mildew, and various diseases that can devastate crops.

Once an HVAC system cools the indoor air, it often becomes too humid. The reheat coil comes into play here, reheating this cool and moist air. As the air's temperature increases, its capacity to hold moisture also rises, reducing its relative humidity. This function is especially vital after lights out when cannabis plants respire more, releasing moisture into the environment.

With the humidity in check, risks linked to moisture—like mold outbreaks—are significantly curtailed. Additionally, the balanced moisture levels can enhance the plant's resin production, potentially leading to a higher quality yield.

Cold Air Distribution

For cannabis plants, especially during their flowering phase, cooler night temperatures are crucial. But, indiscriminate cooling can be detrimental.

These coils aid in fine-tuning the cooled air's temperature after its primary cooling cycle. This process ensures the air introduced into the cultivation space isn't excessively cold, which might shock the plants.

Uniform cold air distribution ensures all plants receive consistent environmental conditions. This uniformity aids in achieving a consistent growth rate across all plants, eliminating the problem of certain plants maturing faster than others due to varied temperature exposures.

Temperature Zoning

Different cannabis strains have unique temperature needs. Indicas might prefer different conditions than sativas, and hybrids might sit somewhere in between.

By selectively reheating air in designated zones, these coils can create microclimates within a larger cultivation space. This zoning ensures that each strain receives its ideal temperature for growth.

By catering to each strain's specific temperature requirements, growers can maximize the genetic potential of each plant, ensuring optimal growth, cannabinoid production, and yield.

Improving Comfort

An optimal environment isn't just about the cannabis plants—it's about ensuring that cultivators can work in the best conditions.

Apart from temperature and humidity control, reheat coils assist in maintaining a consistent environment. By preventing drastic temperature fluctuations, these coils ensure the space remains comfortable for both plants and people.

For the plants, a consistent environment devoid of sudden changes means less stress, which translates to better growth and yield. For the cultivators, a balanced working environment can enhance productivity and reduce the likelihood of errors that might compromise the crop's quality.

Reheat coils, with their myriad functions in HVAC systems, emerge as indispensable allies in the quest for impeccable cannabis cultivation.

Their multifaceted roles—whether it's meticulous moisture control, precise cold air distribution, stable temperature adjustment, or ensuring overall comfort—underscore their significance in creating a thriving cultivation environment.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Reheat Coil

After understanding the broad applications of reheat coils in HVAC, especially in cannabis cultivation, you're likely considering integrating one into your own system. But before jumping into that purchase, several factors deserve your close attention. Let's dive into these critical considerations.

System Requirements

Starting with the basics, your existing HVAC system's specifications will largely dictate the type of reheat coil suitable for your operation. An HVAC system designed for small, residential spaces won't suffice for large-scale cannabis cultivation. For instance, the BTU (British Thermal Units) rating of your system will give you an idea of how powerful your reheat coil needs to be. Always consult the manufacturer's guidelines and consider hiring a professional to assess your system’s capabilities.

Material and Durability

When it comes to reheat coils, the material is not just a matter of cost but also functionality. Copper coils are popular for their high thermal conductivity but may corrode in certain environments. Stainless steel coils offer durability but are often more expensive. Make sure to weigh the long-term benefits against initial costs. A cheaper coil might end up costing more in repairs and replacements.

Energy Efficiency

A highly efficient reheat coil not only saves you money but is also better for the environment. Look for coils with high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings. Keep in mind that energy-efficient units may have a higher upfront cost but can provide savings in the long run through reduced energy bills.

Size and Installation

You'll also need to consider the air volume (measured in CFM, or cubic feet per minute) that your cultivation space requires. In the context of cannabis growth, an improperly sized reheat coil can do more than just cause temperature and humidity issues. If the coil isn't properly matched to the airflow requirements, it can slow down airspeed, causing poor air distribution. Stagnant air can lead to mold growth and insect infestation. Conversely, a coil that is too powerful can speed up airflow excessively, causing the plants to dry out. Furthermore, take into account the ease of installation. Some units may require specialized tools or professional installation, adding to the total cost.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Even the best reheat coil needs regular upkeep to perform optimally. Coils can accumulate dirt and mold over time, reducing their effectiveness and potentially compromising plant health. Look for models that are easy to access and clean, which not only makes maintenance less burdensome but also ensures your cannabis plants stay healthy.

Picking the right reheat coil involves a multi-faceted evaluation, from system requirements and material choices to considerations about energy efficiency, size, and ongoing maintenance. Make an informed choice to ensure your cannabis cultivation endeavor thrives.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Reheat Coils

After choosing the most suitable reheat coil for your cannabis cultivation space, what comes next is pivotal—installation. A flawless installation is essential for optimizing the performance of your HVAC system and, consequently, your cultivation yield. Here's how to proceed.

Gathering Essential Equipment and Tools

Equip yourself with all the tools necessary for the job. Knowing what each tool is used for can expedite the process.


Purpose in Reheat Coil Installation

Screwdrivers (Flat-head & Phillips)

For fastening screws in mounting brackets and control panels

Adjustable Wrench

For tightening or loosening bolts and nuts

Tape Measure

For accurate spacing and alignment

Piping Cutter

For cutting pipes to the correct length

Electrical Tester

Ensure there's no current in the wires before starting work

Safety Gear (Gloves & Goggles)

To protect against electrical shocks and debris

Strategic Location Selection for Installation

Choosing a strategic location is more than a matter of convenience; it directly impacts your reheat coil's performance. In addition to proximity to ventilation ducts, also consider:

  1. Airflow patterns in the room
  2. Accessibility for future maintenance
  3. Nearby electrical outlets for easy wiring

Mounting Considerations: Do's and Don'ts

Mounting the reheat coil correctly is crucial for its effectiveness and longevity. Here are some focused guidelines:


  • Adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s guidelines on height and orientation.
  • Confirm the unit is perfectly level using a spirit level for even airflow.


  • Avoid skipping pilot holes as they guide your screws straight, reducing the risk of damage.
  • Don't neglect to leave at least 12 inches of space on all sides for future maintenance.

Seamless Piping Connections

The quality of your piping connections can make or break your system’s efficiency. We need to pay attention to:

  1. Use a pipe cutter for exact cuts
  2. Apply thread sealant to all threaded joints
  3. Tighten each connection securely to avoid any leaks

Navigating Wiring and Controls

Wiring is the final but equally important step in the installation process.

  1. Turn off the power at the circuit breaker before starting.
  2. Use wire strippers for accurate stripping of wire ends.
  3. Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines to connect the wiring to your HVAC system.

In conclusion, a well-executed installation of a reheat coil directly influences its performance, your energy bills, and ultimately, the yield of your cannabis crops. From tool preparation to the final wire connection, each step you take either fortifies or weakens your entire cultivation ecosystem. Make every move count.

Best Practices for Operating Reheat Coils Efficiently

After you've installed your reheat coil, it's crucial to focus on optimizing its performance. Operating your coil efficiently will not only extend its lifespan but also enhance your cannabis growing conditions. This segment aims to be your guide for achieving just that.

Controlling Temperature and Humidity: Striking the Balance

Before moving to any other optimization techniques, you'll want to focus first on temperature and humidity. Here's where an all-in-one grow room HVAC system comes into play. Imagine a system that not only heats or cools the air but also adjusts humidity levels to the optimum conditions for your cannabis crop.

Altaqua's Grow Room HVAC System is one such solution that incorporates reheat coils to offer a balanced climate control approach. Our system uses reheat coils to warm up low-temperature and damp air. After heating, the air is directed through a condenser, which cools it down and removes excess moisture, offering both cooling and dehumidifying effects.


After understanding the integral role that the reheat coil system plays in climate control, it's crucial to identify the temperature and humidity conditions that align with each growth stage of your cannabis plants.

Ideal Temperatures and Functions:

Vegetative Stage: 71-82°F (ensures rapid vegetative growth)

Flowering Stage: 68-79°F (prevents heat stress during the most sensitive stage)

Ideal Humidity Levels and Functions:

Vegetative Stage: 40-70% (helps in nutrient absorption)

Flowering Stage: 40-50% (reduces the risk of mold and fungus)

System Integration: Ensuring Coherent Functioning

After optimizing your temperature and humidity settings, let's move to make sure all your grow room components, including the reheat coil, work in harmony.

Compatibility Factors:

  • Does the coil fit your duct size?
  • Is the coil's electrical rating compatible with your building's electrical system?
  • Is the coil programmable through your existing climate control software?

Settings That Elevate Efficiency

Now that you’ve ensured that your reheat coil is compatible with other systems, let’s talk about how tweaking the settings can make your coil more efficient.

Settings for Maximum Efficiency:

  • Programmable Timers: Set the coil to only run during specific hours.
  • Smart Thermostats: Enable remote monitoring and adjustments.
  • Data Analytics: Use built-in tools to track performance metrics.

Efficient reheat coil operation in cannabis cultivation requires more than installation; it involves ongoing, strategic adjustments. Properly calibrated settings for temperature, humidity, and airflow, along with seamless system integration, are vital. Advanced features like programmable timers and smart thermostats not only save energy but also maximize yield.

Maintenance Mastery: Ensuring Your Reheat Coil's Longevity

When you've invested in optimizing your reheat coil for the best performance, the next logical step is to maintain it for long-term service. Ignoring this could undo all the hard work you've put into setting up and optimizing your system.

Cleaning Filters for Pure Airflow

Clean filters don't just make for pure air; they are a cornerstone of maintaining your reheat coil's health. Dirty filters can cause multiple issues. First, they force the system to use more energy, driving up your electricity bill. Second, unclean filters compromise air quality, which can have a cascading effect on overall system performance. Over time, this extra strain can also decrease the lifespan of the reheat coil. Hence, make it a routine to check and clean or replace the filters.

Monitoring Refrigerant Levels for Optimal Cooling

Low refrigerant levels can be deceptive; they don't always show their effects immediately but can cause insidious damage over time. If your reheat coil isn’t cooling efficiently, it may not just be an operational hiccup. It could be indicative of a refrigerant issue that, if left unchecked, could lead to more severe problems like compressor damage.

Proactive Steps in Preventing Corrosion

Corrosion is more than just an eyesore; it's an ongoing battle when maintaining a reheat coil system. Corrosion can eat away at the crucial components of the system, and once it takes hold, it can advance rapidly. The frequent use of anti-corrosion coatings and vigilant inspections are not just good practices; they're necessities.

Testing Airflow to Ensure System Health

Airflow isn’t something you set and forget. Rather, consider it as a vital sign of your reheat coil system’s health. Test the airflow in different sections of the system and look for inconsistencies or sudden changes that could indicate a blockage or mechanical malfunction requiring immediate attention.

Regular Maintenance: The Key to Longevity

The term "regular maintenance" might seem mundane, but in the world of reheat coils, it’s the secret to a long and healthy operational life. This includes everything from mundane but essential tasks like tightening loose bolts to more intricate procedures like system diagnostics and part replacements.

For a reheat coil system to have a long and productive life, focusing on maintenance is non-negotiable. A well-planned maintenance routine addresses various aspects of the system, from air quality to mechanical integrity, allowing you to reap the benefits of an optimized environment.

Troubleshooting Reheat Coil Dilemmas: Some Diagnostic Approaches

So, you've got your reheat coils installed, and you've been diligent about routine maintenance. But sometimes, things go awry. If you encounter such problems, keep calm. Here, we'll explore solutions for frequent reheat coil challenges.


Tackling Insufficient Heating Challenges

When your reheat coil doesn't provide enough heat, the problem may be airflow issues or a malfunctioning control valve. First, check for any obstructions in the ductwork and ensure the control valves are functioning correctly. If the problem persists, consult a technician for a deeper diagnostic.

Addressing Frosting Issues with Expertise

Frost build-up on your reheat coils can compromise their performance. Excess humidity or malfunctioning sensors are usually the culprits. Dehumidifying the area and recalibrating sensors can often resolve this problem.

Detecting and Resolving Refrigerant Leaks

A refrigerant leak is not just inefficient; it's also environmentally harmful. If you suspect a leak, check the connections and listen for any hissing sounds that may indicate escaping gas. Always call in a certified technician to handle refrigerant leaks, as improper handling can lead to severe issues.

Overcoming Corrosion and Rust Setbacks

Visible rust and corrosion usually indicate that your reheat coils are deteriorating. If caught early, corrosion inhibitors can be used to mitigate the problem. But for advanced cases, a full replacement may be necessary.

Solutions to Other Common Coil Issues

Once you've fine-tuned temperature and humidity, focusing on airflow is crucial. Suppose the problem doesn't fall under the previously discussed topics and manifests as odd sounds or temperature variations. In that case, your best options are to refer to the owner's manual or seek expert assistance.

Grasping the nuances of effective troubleshooting is a boon to your time and wallet. Immediate action coupled with professional guidance when required is essential.


In this article, we've covered the details of reheat coils, emphasizing their diverse types and pivotal role in specialized HVAC systems like Altaqua's Grow Room. From selecting the right type based on factors like energy efficiency and material durability to installing and optimizing its operations, reheat coils prove indispensable for temperature and humidity control.

Efficient operation goes beyond installation; it's about constant adjustment and system integration. We discussed the specific settings for controlling airflow, temperature, and humidity, as well as the necessary steps for maintenance and troubleshooting. All these elements contribute to the coil's longevity and the overall efficiency of your HVAC system.

Whether you're a climate control veteran or a beginner, this guide aims to serve as your comprehensive resource. Mastering the intricacies of reheat coils can significantly improve your HVAC system’s performance, fulfilling specialized needs and creating optimized environments.


1. What are the main applications of reheat coils in cannabis growing rooms?

Reheat coils serve multiple purposes in cannabis growing rooms, including dehumidification and cold air distribution. Their versatility allows them to create comfortable temperature zones and enhance overall air quality, making them an indispensable part of a comprehensive HVAC system.

2. How do you choose the right type of reheat coil for your cannabis growing room?

The choice of reheat coil depends on several factors, such as system requirements, material durability, energy efficiency, and cost considerations. For example, electric reheat coils are generally more energy-efficient but may have a higher upfront cost. Each type has its own set of advantages and limitations.

3. What steps are involved in installing reheat coils in a cannabis growing room?

Installation involves several steps: gathering the necessary tools, selecting a strategic location, mounting considerations, and making seamless piping connections. Ensuring proper wiring and controls is also essential for the reheat coil to function effectively.

4. How often should you perform maintenance on reheat coils in a cannabis grow room?

The frequency of maintenance for reheat coils varies depending on the manufacturer's guidelines, but a general recommendation is to conduct a thorough inspection every 3 to 6 months. This involves tasks like cleaning to prevent corrosion and monitoring for any potential issues like refrigerant leaks. Scheduled maintenance checks are recommended to keep the system running smoothly.

5. What are common troubleshooting steps for reheat coil dilemmas?

Troubleshooting may involve resolving challenges like insufficient heating, frosting, and refrigerant leaks. A systematic diagnostic approach is essential to identify and rectify the issue, whether it involves addressing mechanical faults or making adjustments to the settings.

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